Thursday, January 10, 2013

UOJ and the Problem of Ignorance.
Note Luther's Description of the Scriptures,
The Parallel to the Incarnation

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Trust But Verify":

I assume complete ignorance on his part

This is always a safe assumption when dealing with the Rev. McCain.

I can never emphasize enough the ignorance of the said pastor, if you know what I mean. We are never wrong when we assume him to be ignorant, Dr. Greg, even though he has an MDiv.



GJ - Paul McCain and his court jester, Jack Kilcrease, share one attribute besides their addiction to UOJ. They are hopelessly inadequate in the English language.

McCain tries to cover this by copying the work of others, making it appear to be his own. How this qualifies him as an editor at CPH is beyond my comprehension.

Kilcrease adopts an air of superiority, but that only makes his squawking more amusing. He tries to adopt the air of a mother who pitieth her silly children, but that does not work well with people who can read and discern the Word. All the philosophy in the world will not stand up to one Word from the Scriptures.

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