Friday, November 23, 2012

Omitting the Means of Grace - A Serious Error

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Luther Called Himself a Faith-ian (sola-fide-ist)....":

"[Unfortunately there are some cranks who roam the Internet claiming to be Lutherans who also fall into this error. You shall know them by their sixth grade-level photoshopping skills. ]"

This is a nice application of the Eighth Commandment, especially from a representative of CPH who plays the 8/18 Card on others who have the audacity to disagree with him.

Our CPH rep omits the Means of Grace, but this is a "universal" error of UOJers. I don't base my faith on my "subjective" feelings, but on the "objective" gift the Holy Ghost applies to me through the hearing of His Word and the administration of the Sacraments.

The cross and empty tomb don't mean a hill of beans if one doesn't believe it. Even Satan believes in the historicity of those events. Walther is the true synergist, witness his decision theology Easter Sermon.

This is your brain on the Scripture/BOC: JBFA. This is your brain on Mary's breast milk: UOJ.


GJ - One contributor of graphics uses an inexpensive graphics editor because he is paying back LCMS seminary tuition loans. He has devoted hundreds of hours to research and buys obscure books rather than spend money on frills.

I suspect that McCain objects to "pants on fire" because it is true, not because his refined tastes beg for a professional Photoshop.

I only see borrowed graphics on Cyber-plagiarist, except for those 137 gun-toting videos.

The Holy Spirit distributes grace through the Instruments of Grace, the Word and Sacraments. Anything else is Enthusiasm.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Omitting the Means of Grace - A Serious Error":

"narrow-minded:" -

Your comment is well stated:

>>>>>>> .......The cross and empty tomb don't mean a hill of beans if one doesn't believe it. Even Satan believes in the historicity of those events. Walther is the true synergist, witness his decision theology Easter Sermon.

This is your brain on the Scripture/BOC: JBFA. This is your brain on Mary's breast milk: UOJ. <<<<<<<< [Your words]

The more I think of it; the more I witness the universal objective justification crowd relying on decision thinking. They drum it through, to their own heads and those who follow them, that Christ's Atonement for human sin is universal in its application to every sinner. It is no wonder why they eschew being justified by God's grace, through faith alone. This is the reason that you will hear very little from them about the Holy Spirit and his work of the new birth (conversion) - John 3:1-21 in context

A sorry lot they are who dis the Holy Spirit and His whole activity in making a human soul right with God. I still return to my cookie jar illustration:

Just because there is a cookie jar on one of the kitchen shelves; its presence does not portend that cookies are contained within that jar. And, in like manner; just because Christ's Atonement sacrifice and subsequent Resurrection was the action of the Triune God to do away with the curse of the first Adam; that all encompassing sin cleansing work does not portend that all men will come to the knowledge of the truth and be born from above by the Holy Spirit's working:

John 3:5 - Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

John 3:6 - That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Nathan M. Bickel