Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jeske's In-House Band

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Jeske's In-House Band - Another Business Venture F...":

Let's assume that the Koiné music genre might be an acceptable vehicle to carry Lutheran text. The problem is that Koiné is being put forward or seen as the ideal for the average parish to strive for. It's an untenable ideal. Most congregations (in the WELS at least) do not have the talent pool to sustain such a group for a consistent, week-after-week, "performance" in the divine service.

And "performance" is the real problem. Such a band and genre of music is performance-oriented, the antithesis of what the divine service liturgy along with its musical settings is intended to be and do.

I don't think Koiné nor its musical genre will stand the test of time. This is the newest flavor in WELS and will fade away like so many others,... like Time of Grace when Jeske is not there to mug for the camera.


GJ - "When Jeske is not there to mug for the camera..." That reminded of one Jeske performance on TV. The camera scanned the adoring audience. But I saw a tactic used that a famous criminal lawyer employed - Jeske kissed the audience. He formed a big, silent kiss as he spoke.

Look at early tapes of Rick Warren and Robert Schuller. They looked and acted normal. Once they achieved some measure of outward success, they had another look - truly Satanic.

Jeske critics miss the fact of his occultic New Age doctrine, which permeates his horrible shows. Missouri should be saying, "No you keep him."

The entire Church and Change operation is Jeske-centered and New Age. Here is a little family tree, simplified.
  1. Asian polytheism offers a parallel to Satanism, with self-centeredness and material success as the core beliefs.
  2. . Norman Vincent Peale stole his success book from an occultic writer.
  3. Schuller borrowed Peale's doctrine and did a re-tread as Possibility Thinking.
  4. Napoleon Hill provided a business philosophy of the occult, useful in bewitching the Shrinkers, who are rather dumb.
  5. Paul Y. Cho influenced vast numbers of Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and Shrinkers with his blend of occult teaching and Pentecostalism. The Assemblies of God tossed him out. Fuller Seminary made him an honored lecturer. I shook his hand at a Billy Graham School of Evangelism, where he led the prayers.
  6. Schuller, Cho, and Warren provided a safe cover for occultic success worship. Throw down that musty theology of the cross. Hybels got rid of the cross altogether, and WELS/LCMS flocked to hear the strange little wax manikin yap.
  7. Like gay activism, Church Growthism has made its anti-Christian, Satanic philosophy into a set of assumed truths for various denominations.